“I regret having punished my daughter like this, she is traumatized”

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Punishing your children is a common thing when you are a parent. Still, some punishments are sometimes disproportionate and really traumatic. This mother testifies to this punishment, however harmless.

For parents, punishment is always a complicated moment, but which sometimes turns out to be necessary, unless you are a fan of education without limits which does not require any punishment since it has no rules. Punishment is a delicate moment, it is difficult to know if it is really effective, justified, if the child has understood his mistake and will not repeat it.
A young mother confided in Kidspot about a rather widespread punishment technique, but which today she bitterly regrets. And for good reason : when Emily’s daughter exhibited behavior she deemed inappropriate, she punished her by putting her in the corner. A technique that seems quite ordinary. However, this punishment is about to be banned by the Council of Europe, since it is considered ordinary educational violence…
And the little girl has not forgotten: “This punishment definitely upset her. I feel guilty that she remembers those times so well.”

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At 15, the young girl is traumatized

Emily didn’t expect that years later her daughter would still talk to her about the corner where she was punishing her. And yet at 15 she does not budge: this punishment has traumatized her. She tells : “I thought it was a technique that was very effective. I didn’t know any better tricks and I absolutely didn’t want to be violent with my children, so this punishment seemed like the best option to me at the time. Emily regrets having imposed this punishment on her daughter who is a rather sensitive person “She hated getting in trouble and still does at 15, so looking back I wish I had a less punitive and violent tool for her”
The mother did not reproduce the local technique with her youngest daughters, she spent a lot of time trying to understand how to achieve a positive education. Today she does not blame herself: “What’s done is unfortunately done, but I tell her every day that she has a loving home and a family behind her” . Emily realized that many parents felt like her, overwhelmed by their role. She remains convinced that parents need more guidance, especially for their first child…“It’s the most important job any of us will ever have in our lives and yet there’s very little guidance and support.”

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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