Imam Iquioussen: why has Morocco suspended its consular pass?

Thibaud Hue (special correspondent in Casablanca, Morocco), edited by Ophélie Artaud

While the Council of State has validated his expulsion, Morocco has just suspended the consular pass of Imam Hassan Iquioussen, wanted since Tuesday. Rabat decided to err on the side of caution as the subject was heavily publicized in the country. For many, it is up to “France to decide this case”.

Hours pass and still no news from Hassan Iquioussen. The imam has been wanted since Tuesday, that is to say since the Council of State validated his expulsion. Where did he go ? Perhaps in Belgium… This is the hypothesis adopted by the authorities. But his arrest will not solve everything since it will be necessary to be able to send him back to Morocco. And this is where the matter gets complicated. Morocco has just suspended the consular pass which was supposed to allow its expulsion.

“Everyone must take responsibility”

What must be understood is that Morocco had hoped, by giving the green light, to calm its tense relations with France, especially since the obtaining of French visas has been restricted. But the run of the preacher and his strong media coverage set fire to the powder. Rabat finally opts for caution: a U-turn before the affair gets too carried away and becomes a delicate subject of internal politics. According to sources familiar with the matter, here in Morocco, we were afraid that this pass would become a real humiliation.

Especially because Imam Iquioussen was born in France, he lived his whole life and only very rarely returned to his country of origin. As for Moroccans, most support Rabat’s decision. Bachir, a restaurant owner from Casablanca, is relieved that Morocco is putting an end to the procedure. “Morocco is not a trash can. He is a Moroccan and French citizen. He has lived almost three quarters of his life in France. His family is there. That is France’s problem. It is France that must decide this case.”

Casablanca residents are following the case closely

Mohamed, he sees even further. According to him, this refusal will set a precedent and prevent any future attempt at deportation from France to Morocco. “France wants to get rid of everything bad there. But we can’t, because in Morocco too, if we want to get rid of everything bad, it’s going to be empty too. It’s better let everyone take their share of responsibility, maybe by reintroducing him and giving him good training, he will be a good element…”, he says.

Since this reversal of the situation, these inhabitants of Casablanca are interested in this affair which they will follow closely. While waiting to know when and especially where Hassan Iquioussen will be arrested and then arrested.

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