In front of the City Arkaden – first rainbow zebra crossing in Klagenfurt

The time has come! Today the colors for the first rainbow zebra crossing are to be applied on the Heuplatz in front of the City Arkaden in Klagenfurt.

After heated political discussions, the project has now been implemented. Between the white stripes, the asphalt is colored in the colors of the rainbow. The new colorful zebra crossing at Heuplatz is supposed to be a symbol against intolerance and homophobia in the state capital.

The traffic department remains skeptical: Speaker Sandra Wassermann fears that the colorful background could distract road users. For Mayor Christian Scheider, this argument is not enough. Because, interestingly, there is a motion from the same parliamentary group that the same protective path should be sprayed with the Carinthian colors or the colors of the state capital.