in front of the Medef, Bruno Le Maire dodges the question, raised by Elisabeth Borne

“I don’t know what a superprofit is”said Tuesday, August 30, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire in front of employers, while the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, had not ruled out taxing these superprofits. “I know businesses have to be profitable, that’s all I know”added the number two of the government in front of a conquered public on the occasion of the REF, the summer university of the Medef.

For her part, Elisabeth Borne had declared, on Saturday, in a meeting to Parisian do not want ” close the door “ to a tax on “superprofits” companies, a claim from the left. But she added prefer that every company that can “lower prices for the consumer and give purchasing power to its employees”.

In front of employers, Bruno Le Maire repeated that he had asked several companies that had made exceptional profits due to soaring energy prices or bottlenecks in transport or logistics “to lighten the bill for our compatriots”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Elisabeth Borne urges companies to energy sobriety before the Medef

“Taxing more in France means producing less in France”

“I know that Total, CMA-CGM [armateur]distributors, a number of other companies have already made efforts to redistribute what they have earned directly into the pocket of the consumer”explained the Minister, for whom “Taxing more in France means producing less in France”.

The president of Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, had, for his part, judged on Monday that “the greatest superprofiter (…), it is the state”. “Tax revenues for the first half of 2022 increased by 27 billion euros”he thus advanced.

Without denying this figure, Mr. Le Maire rejected his analysis: “We cannot be blamed, on the one hand, for spending too much to protect households and businesses and, on the other, telling us that we could have made profits in this area. »

“What I see is that when you lower the corporate tax rate, revenue increases, proof of the effectiveness of our tax policy”hammered the minister to applause.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Superprofits, tax loopholes: part of the majority wants to toughen the tone vis-à-vis companies

The World with AFP

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