In Hong Kong, in the midst of a health crisis, a birthday party embarrasses the authorities

The 170 guests of the party organized on Monday January 3, from 6 p.m. to midnight, at Reserva Iberica, a tapas bar in the Wan Chai district, on Hong Kong Island, for the 53 years of a well-regarded Hong Kong notable from Beijing, will remember for longer than expected this drunken evening between pro-Chinese personalities from the local establishment. Two guests carrying the Omicron variant were identified among the guests and all of those present that evening will, theoretically, have to spend twenty-one days at the Penny’s Bay quarantine center, known for its spartan comfort, the plastic-coated covers of its ultra-thin mattresses and the lack of Wi-Fi in the rooms.

This unexpected “after”, which all the guests would obviously have preferred to be able to decline, however makes part of the Hong Kong population jubilant, amused to see some of its political leaders and members of the social elite subjected to this kind of regime. After months with virtually no local cases, a few micro-foci of contamination were recently identified and triggered new restrictions that took effect on Friday.

Several ministers concerned

Among the guests were at least ten high-ranking officials, including the interior minister, the finance minister, the head of immigration, the high commissioner of police, and the head of the Independent Agency. of the fight against corruption (ICAC), as well as 20 deputies who had been inducted the same day into the new legislative council following the elections of December 19.

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The heads of the three Hong Kong departments most controlled by China, namely the police, immigration and the ICAC, were all three present at this party … The fact that the impetuous deputy Junius Ho, very unpopular among the Hong Kong people pro-democracy, participated in the evening and went two days later to Shenzhen to meet Xia Baolong, the director of the Hong Kong and Macao affairs office, added a national dimension to the scandal.

Until this very long quarter of an hour of fame, Witman Hung was almost unknown. According to his profile published on the site of the pro-Chinese think tank Our HK Foundation, “professor” Witman Hung is currently the representative of Hong Kong at the Thirteenth National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, a national legislative body, and holds many positions in in the IT sector and in other organizations.

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