In Itzling – Mann, the wife threatened to kill

The police were called to Itzling on Sunday evening. A 49-year-old Austrian had made an emergency call. The dispute with her 51-year-old husband had escalated so that he threatened to kill her.

When the police arrived, the 51-year-old Austrian stated that there had been a verbal argument between her husband and her. However, this escalated to such an extent that the 49-year-old Bosnian initially strangled her. When the victim was able to free himself and announced that he would call the police, he even threatened them with killing.

Excessive alcohol consumption as a trigger
The accused told the officials that there had only been a verbal argument and that he had therefore never physically attacked or threatened his wife dangerously. The reason for the verbal argument and subsequent physical confrontation is the accused’s excessive alcohol consumption.

The victim did not suffer any visible injuries in the neck area, but the victim reported a sore throat. The husband was not allowed to enter or approach. Furthermore, after consulting the public prosecutor, he will be reported at large for attempted bodily harm and dangerous threats.

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