In these cantons hardly any young people want to be vaccinated

A month ago, the therapeutic products authority Swissmedic approved the corona vaccine from Pfizer / Biontech for adolescents between the ages of 12 and 15. But the willingness to vaccinate in this age group is low, as a survey by the “NZZ am Sonntag” of the health authorities of the cantons shows: to date, on average, not even ten percent have registered for a vaccination. It’s sobering.

In the cantons with large cities such as Zurich and Basel-Stadt it is the most with 11 percent. In Aargau, Bern, Geneva and Vaud, the proportion is 4 to 6 percent. And in the cantons of eastern and central Switzerland such as St. Gallen, Appenzell-Innerrhoden and Obwalden, it is lowest at 2 to 3 percent. According to “NZZ am Sonntag”, one reason for the low willingness to vaccinate is that the start of vaccination for this age group falls in a phase of epidemiological relaxation.