In Toulouse, third runaway of a dangerous patient in a week

A person interned at the Purpan hospital in Toulouse escaped after two patients from the Gérard Marchant psychiatric hospital ran away.

A patient interned in psychiatry escaped Thursday from the Purpan hospital in Toulouse where he was interned, we learned from the prosecution, constituting the third runaway of a dangerous patient in this city in a week. This 33-year-old man had deliberately run into three Chinese students, driving his car in 2017, and had been indicted for attempted murder.

Then, indicates the prosecution, “this person was declared irresponsible for attempted assassination committed on November 10, 2017 in Blagnac. Hospitalized at the time of his escape. She would have triggered the fire system to flee “. The police were still Thursday looking for the patient.

Last week, two patients from the Gérard Marchant psychiatric hospital in Toulouse had already run away, before being located a few hours later, and interned again. Following murders of which they are suspected, the two men had been considered criminally irresponsible and could not be tried.

The “cannibal of the Pyrenees” was the first to run away

The first, a 34-year-old former soldier nicknamed the “cannibal of the Pyrenees”, escaped on January 19, before attacking a 72-year-old lady who was walking her dog in a residential area of ​​Toulouse. He was indicted in 2013 for intentional homicide and acts of cannibalism.

The second, 48, involved in a homicide in 2010, fled on Sunday before being arrested by the police.

The Occitanie Regional Health Agency has announced that it has asked the management of the Marchant hospital to open an administrative investigation and to carry out an inspection mission.

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