Inner strength: 3 strategies that will strengthen you

Everyone has hurdles and crises in life – what matters is how we deal with them! What you should know and tips for more inner strength can be found here.

Life presents us with tons of challenges over time. How is it that some can handle it better and others worse? We explain here how you activate your inner protective shield.

What is inner strength?

You often hear phrases like "She has nerves of steel" or "He put it away well" when someone has mastered difficult situations. Big and small crises can quickly throw you off track – and that's really nothing bad. But why do some people seem to be able to cope with great blows of fate, while others feel like crying over little things? If you think you are one of the latter, we have good news for you: Everyone can build inner strength! Although not overnight, you can train yourself to stay strong inside during a crisis: Resilience is also known as psychological resilience and with this you will survive the challenges in your life.

What ruins your inner strength

There are many power robbers in everyday life who scratch their inner strength. These include stress, our own attitude, negative thoughts, self-image and our inner realities, as Dr. med. Mirriam Prieß names it in her book Resilienz (Goldmann Verlag, 2019). Inner realities determine how we perceive the world. If negative experiences are not processed, they become experiences of powerlessness. As an inner reality, they determine how we look at the world and therefore also how we behave. For example: someone is cheated on by their partner and then (unconsciously) believes they are not adorable. He then behaves insecure and suspicious in a new relationship.

Sometimes we are not even aware of such inner realities. Of course, we are shaped by all the experiences we have in the course of our lives – and with them our view of the world and our behavior.

Learning to resilience is possible

But you don't have to be discouraged! As the psychology magazine "Psychologie Heute" reported, resilience can be learned: The neuroscientist Raffael Kalisch and his team have accompanied young people over the years and regularly examined a. Brain activity and stress hormones. They conclude that resilience is one Valuation style is something that can be actively controlled – and not about a fate that a person is helpless to face. That means, relearning is possible! And how to get started, we'll show you in the next few steps.

This is how you can promote inner strength – 3 tips

1. Dissolve inner realities

In order to dissolve the inner realities, Dr. Prieß to recognize this in the first step and to be aware of it at all. In the next step you should try to meet them at eye level and to face the unprocessed experiences. Here you will also find a few tips on what can help you with negative experiences and self-sabotage.

2. Create a positive self-image

The image of yourself that you have in your head of yourself also contributes to how you go through the world – and how well you can deal with difficulties. Do you think bad of yourself, do not trust yourself? With a victim attitude ("Why does this always only happen to me?") You are only standing in your own way and often making it harder for you than it should be. Your Self-esteem, so how valuable you feel about yourself and yours Self-confidence, i.e. how convinced you are of yourself and your achievements, decisively determine your self-image. You are not helpless at the mercy of this, there are ways in which you can learn to love yourself and strengthen your self-esteem.

3. Avoid energy thieves

Other energy thieves can also shake your resilience, such as stress – this can really drain us, cost us strength and joy in life. Stress management and relaxation will help you deal with it better. For many it is also helpful to learn how to say no – instead of always being there for everyone else and charging yourself up more than you can really afford.

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