IPC boss criticizes Russia: Xi Jinping opens Paralympic Winter Games

IPC boss criticizes Russia
Xi Jinping opens Paralympic Winter Games

The Paralympic Winter Games in Beijing begin without the athletes from Russia and Belarus. During his speech, IPC President Parsons criticized the aggressor Vladimir Putin. On the other hand, China’s head of state Xi Jinping, who opens the games, is cold.

The Paralympic Winter Games in Beijing have begun, overshadowed by the war in Ukraine. After the exclusion of Russia and Belarus, only 46 teams attended the opening ceremony on Friday – the athletes from Ukraine, some of whom had completed a four-day odyssey from their war-torn homeland, to loud applause. With apparent criticism of Russia, Paralympics President Andrew Parsons said in an impassioned speech: “The 21st century is a time for dialogue and diplomacy, not war and hatred.”

“We are striving for a better and stronger inclusive world, free from hatred and ignorance, free from conflicts and disputes,” the Brazilian called out to the national stadium, known as the “Bird’s Nest”. Without a word, China’s head of state and party leader Xi Jinping then declared the 13th Winter Paralympics open at 9:02 p.m. (2:02 p.m. CET). At 9:33 p.m. (2:33 p.m. CET) the flame was lit.

Monoskier Anna-Lena Forster and biathlete Martin Fleig carried the German flag into the stadium for the 17-strong team from Germany. Members of the German delegation took off their caps. This should express a pause and commemoration of the situation in Ukraine and the victims of the war. The World Games will be held at three venues in Beijing and the mountains of Zhangjiakou and Yanqing, 200 kilometers away, until March 13. After 2008, Beijing is the first city to host Winter Games after Summer Games. 564 athletes are starting, more than ever before.

China also under criticism

Host China, which is already in the pillory for human rights violations, repression in Hong Kong and saber-rattling against Taiwan, also plays a controversial role in the Ukraine conflict. Beijing continues to back Russian President Vladimir Putin and refuses to condemn the invasion.

While the human rights criticism of China still argued that sport and politics had to be separated, that was over after the invasion, at least in relation to Russia. In a U-turn, the International Paralympic Committee reversed its initial decision to admit athletes from Russia and Belarus. Since associations, teams and athletes then threatened a boycott, the committee saw the “practicability of the Paralympic Winter Games” at risk and ruled them out.

Because of the war, parts of the 54-strong Ukrainian team were on the road for four days – first from Kyiv via Lviv across the border to Poland and then via Slovakia and Austria to Milan to fly to Beijing. “It’s a miracle that we all made it here,” said Valery Sushkevich, head of the delegation. “Many members of our team had to flee while there were bombing raids and grenades exploding.” They are now worried about relatives at home, from whom there is no news. “Everyone is worried,” it said.

The technically complex opening ceremony on the screen-like stadium floor made of LED lamps was loaded with symbols – including allusions to peace, unity and solidarity. The artistic direction was again in the hands of star director Zhang Yimou. The slogan “Change starts with sport” was shown in Braille. It also promoted the #WeThe15 movement, which advocates for the disabled, who make up 15 percent of the world’s population.

mood further depressed

With China implementing a strict zero-Covid strategy, the Paralympic Games, like the February Olympics, will be held under extremely strict precautionary measures. All participants are only allowed to move within closed circuits and are completely cut off from the rest of the country. Everyone needs to be tested daily. Those who are infected will be isolated. Foreign spectators are again not allowed at the games because of the pandemic. Admission tickets are only distributed in a controlled manner.

According to the President of the German Disabled Sports Association, Friedhelm Julius Beucher, the mood among the athletes was “depressed”. He called Russia’s exclusion on Bavarian Radio an “important symbol”. “Now the decision has been made, the irritation is gone,” said Beucher. “I hope we can now focus on the competitions.” He criticized individual Russian athletes “who ardently congratulated Putin”.

The German flag bearer Fleig said on ZDF: “For me personally it is a bit strange and difficult to concentrate on the essentials of a sporting event.” On the other hand, his teammate Forster “finally had a real Paralympic feeling”: “Now the games are starting. I’m looking forward to that.”

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