Israel-Hamas: after days of divisions, Europeans finally agree on a joint declaration

Arthur de Laborde // Photo credit: Martin Bertrand / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP

After several days of disagreement over the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the countries of the European Union managed to agree on a joint declaration. The 27 expressed their concern about the situation in Gaza and called for the establishment of a humanitarian corridor.

Finally. After several days of divisions, the member states of the European Union finally came to an agreement on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. The 27 issued a joint statement Thursday evening, in which they expressed their great concern about the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza. It took five hours of discussions at the European Council in Brussels to arrive at this press release in which every word was fiercely negotiated.

Humanitarian aid… which must not be diverted by Hamas

They call for the establishment of humanitarian corridors and breaks to meet the needs of the civilian population. There is therefore no question of talking about a ceasefire, because Israel must be able to defend itself against Hamas, Germany and Austria argued in particular.

These countries considered to be rather pro-Israeli have obtained the addition of a clarification: these humanitarian corridors must make it possible to transport aid: water, medicine, food or even fuel but this assistance must not be diverted by the terrorist organizations, it is written in this declaration.

“The important thing is the political message”

Countries with a more pro-Palestinian sensibility, such as Spain, have for their part obtained a call to soon organize an international conference for peace. “The important thing is the political message. And ultimately, everyone gets what they need,” underlines a diplomat.

The 27 finally underline Israel’s right to defend itself in accordance with international law and to release all hostages held by Hamas.

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