“It’s already better than nothing,” says the ridiculously large retreat that touches the singer

This Wednesday, June 26, invited by Chez Jordan, at C8, Chantal Goya has confidence in her private life. Discover how, apart from a lively career, the famous singer’s retreat is surprisingly modest. A mountain that catches the eye and questions the artists of its generation.

Chantal Goyaborn in 1942, is imposed as a emblematic figure of the French song for children since the 70s. With hits planets such as Bécassine et Panda Pandashe marked the imaginary of several generations of children. Sa fabulous careerwhich lasted for more than five decades, was in rhythm with the spectacles enchanted and televised apparitions as the actress who cemented her place in the heart of the French public.

Even after having franchi the 80 year old capChantal Goya continues to captivate her young public during the tours across France. Sun energy on the scene and passion for the entertainment they have remained intact, proving that age is not a code for her. Participation in television broadcasts says that Mask Singer even protesting against his willingness to remain connected with the new generations.

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A longer retreat for a remarkable career

So, both touch really Chantal Goya in retreat? The answer might surprise you. In an interview agreed with Jordan Deluxethe confined singer “Oh, well, hear it, the whole world says… So, once the tax was over 600 and a few euros. It’s already gone”. A summer that always keeps an eye on its exceptional career. “You don’t have 600 euros in withdrawal?”he reconnects with his interlocutor, obviously surprisingly. “But yes, but why not? I work harder”that’s it. “And you told me ‘is that enough? 600 euros?’ Don’t worry, you can’t live with 600 euros…”he made a remark to the journalist C8. It’s already better than nothinga soulful the octogenarian.

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Chantal Goya explained this precarious situation by making it the era of its greatest successes, the conventions and protections for artists were very different from what they are today. She did not hesitate to express her love for son metieraffirming that she continued to work “until the end”before adding : “I’ll put myself back when I’m high!”. Sun attitude positive Faced with this expectation, it has once been inspiring and revealing of the difficulties that artists of his generation could face.

The support of its public

The situation of Chantal Goya soul of questions about the conditions of artists’ retreat and recognition of their cultural contribution. Despite these difficulties, public remains faithfulproving that real success is not measured only in euros, but also in love and with unconditional support of fansHis story reminds us of the importance of enhance and supporting the artists at each stage of their careerespecially when they reach retirement age.

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Chantal Goya continues to inspire and entertain, with the future projects which promises to preserve its living heritage. In the middle of a less lucrative retirement what I expected is indomitable spirit and determination to bring the joie remains its real pension fund.

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