“It’s seen as a failure”, Amel Bent breaks the taboo of miscarriage


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In a recent interview, singer Amel Bent returned to her miscarriage and the taboo surrounding this abrupt termination of pregnancy.

Break the taboo on a subject she has already mentioned. On October 24, Amel Bent announced her third pregnancy and confided in the miscarriage she experienced just before. In the show “Seven to eight” broadcast on TF1, the 36-year-old singer spoke “pains” that she had felt and “shock” learning of the loss of her baby. “It is a very particular situation, very painful, both physically and psychologically”, she explained.

In a new interview for the Purebreak Charts site, she decided to expand on this subject at greater length. “I’m very modest, I hadn’t said anything to my relatives when it happened, so I couldn’t imagine for a second talking about it in front of millions of people, a few months later”, she informs before adding that if she speaks about it publicly today, it is thanks to her doctor who “Clicked”. “He told me that I did not realize that what I was going through, one in four women saw it. He said to me: ‘I don’t understand, you, who have an incredible platform, why don’t you talk about it?’ I found it too intimate. He told me it was, but it was so universal. ”

“I want to help my sisters”

The interpreter of “My philosophy” is “Too proud” for breaking the taboo that reigns around the loss of a child, despite “the fear” and “shame” from the start. “It is seen as a failure, something that should not be said. Yes it is ! When you say it, it feels good. It happened to me, it happens to a lot of women, behind it you have to find strength and hope. ” And since she indulged in front of the camera in front of millions of viewers, Sofia and Hana’s mom receives ”Thousands of messages, testimonials and thanks”.

Today, Amel Bent decided to make it a fight. “I want to help my sisters, we go through the same pains more or less, and nobody talks about it! We are in an ultra-modern society and you don’t even have a bridge to talk about it.”

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