Ivory Coast: the number 2 of the ruling party at the head of the National Assembly

The number two of the presidential party in Côte d’Ivoire, Adama Bictogo, has been appointed interim president of the National Assembly, in the absence of the holder of the post since January 21, noted Thursday February 10 a journalist from the AFP.

Adama Bictogo, a close friend of President Alassane Ouattara, chaired an extraordinary session of the National Assembly in Abidjan on Thursday February 10. “In the absence of Mr. Amadou Soumahoro, President of the National Assembly traveling outside the country (since) January 21, the interim presidency is ensured by Adama Bictogo, Vice-President of the National Assembly“, Indicates an internal document at the Assembly of which AFP has obtained a copy. This document does not specify the reasons for the absence of Amadou Soumahoro, aged 68. The interim of Adama Bictogo as President of the National Assembly could become permanent, according to observers.

Adama Bictogo, MP for Agboville, a town near Abidjan, is the executive director of the Rally of Houphouëtists for Democracy and Peace (RHDP) and therefore number two in this party chaired by the Head of State. Aged 59, he is also a businessman and influencer, CEO of the Snedai group, charged in particular by the government with issuing electronic visas for Côte d’Ivoire. He put himself aside from his business because of a recent law on the incompatibility of the function of deputy with private or professional activities. Amadou Soumahoro was reappointed as head of the National Assembly at the end of March 2021, following legislative elections won by the ruling party. The RHDP won an absolute majority there in the National Assembly with 137 seats out of 254.

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