Japan’s Princess Mako: The Emperor’s niece will finally be able to say yes in October

Japan’s Princess Mako
The Emperor’s niece was finally allowed to say yes in October

Princess Mako (r.) And Kei Komuro during the announcement of their engagement in 2017.

© imago / Kyodo News

The Japanese princess Mako is finally allowed to marry her civil partner. As the House Court Office announced, even this month.

Princess Mako (29), the niece of the Japanese Emperor Naruhito (61), is finally allowed to say yes to her bourgeois friend Kei Komuro (29) after a four-year engagement. This was announced by the court yard office on Friday (October 1st), including among other things “japantimes.co.jp” reports. The wedding is scheduled for October 26th, three days after Mako’s 30th birthday.

Princess Mako suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder

But there is also worrying news to report from the palace: As a spokesman revealed at a press conference, the princess suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The reason for this are negative media reports about their relationship with Komuro. A financial scandal in which the mother of the 29-year-old lawyer is involved caused displeasure among the Japanese population.

There will be no big ceremonial wedding for the granddaughter of the former imperial couple Akihito (87) and Michiko Shōda (86) on October 26th. Since, as a Japanese princess, she takes a commoner as her husband, Mako also leaves the imperial court and has to give up her title of nobility.

After the wedding, the couple want to move to the United States

Princess Mako and Kei Komuro met while studying at Tokyo University. In 2017 they announced their engagement, but the wedding planned for 2018 was put on hold after the financial scandal became known. After the wedding this month, the newlyweds plan to move to the United States. Komuro works there as a lawyer.


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