Jean-Marie Bigard dezinced on the TPMP set for his conspiracy theories on Covid-19: Current Woman The MAG

"It doesn't make sense what you're saying!"Jean-Marie Bigard suffered the wrath of the show's columnists Do not touch My TV Tuesday February 16, 2021 on C8. The comedian is indeed went to the set to discuss Coronavirus vaccines and their side effects … but he spoke much more divisively than expected, described as "conspiratorial" by columnists, claiming to defend freedom of expression. After claiming that President Macron told him he would use Chloroquine against the Covid virus a year ago according to him, he claimed the vaccine was helping the business of the pharmaceutical lobbies: "On earth, there are seven and a half billion, that's already too much! There are three and a half billion that are just stomachs to fill". These remarks have greatly shocked around the table, but while Cyril Hanouna tried to calm him down, Jean-Marie Bigard, known for his divisive remarks, resumed:"Please, Cyril, there are three billion people on earth who are, we learn that in colleges in America, dare not very useful people, because they do not manufacture anything, they do not operate anything, and without them the rich will be even richer!"Words that made Valérie Bénaïm and Benjamin Castaldi jump, and in particular, refusing to hear that there is a "two-speed humanity".

"Do you see what you are telling us?"

Thus, Valérie Bénaïm wanted to make things clear: "You are telling us that a virus has been created from scratch, a virus that would feed the labs, which labs that would like to eliminate part of the population because it would bring them money? Can you imagine what you are telling us?she exclaims.I get that, I say to myself, what is Jean-Marie Bigard saying?The columnist concludes. The comedian will then respond with a quote from Albert Einstein: ""The truth does not always triumph, but all its enemies end up dying one day or another". And we will see what the future holds, a bleak future, because the economic collapse of the planet has indeed been brought about …"He adds. No argument from other hosts around the table will calm Jean-Marie Bigard, claiming that he is not a conspirator, but"rather a researcher, an investigator " : "I wonder why … And when you ask the question in this country, you become a conspirator, that's it!"