Joe Biden: US President gives the all-clear after corona rumors

Joe Biden
US President gives the all-clear after corona rumors

Joe Biden was struck by coughing fits and his hoarse voice at a speech.

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A coughing Joe Biden briefly caused corona rumors. But the US president quickly made it clear: “I only have one cold.”

A speech by US President Joe Biden (79) on the situation on the US labor market made the population sit up and take notice. The main reason was not the political content, but the poor health of the Democrat. Several times he had to cough heavily, clear his throat and was also noticed by a very rough voice. Immediately there was the first speculation that Biden had been infected with the corona virus. Among other things, the broadcaster CNN reports on this on his homepage.

Joe Biden: “I’m fine”

All nonsense, he said when asked. He just had a cold. “I’m fine. I have a 1.5-year-old grandson who has a cold and likes to kiss his grandpa,” the US President continued. Biden spent last Thanksgiving weekend with his family. According to his own information, he also does a corona test every day.


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