Johann Lafer: "I was devastated"

Celebrity chef Johann Lafer (62) suffered from knee pain caused by osteoarthritis for years. But he found a way out. Together with the pain specialist Roland Liebscher-Bracht and nutritionist Dr. He has now published the book "Essen gegen Arthrose" (Grafe and Unzer) in Petra Bracht, in which he tells his story. In an interview with spot on news, the 62-year-old explains how much he suffered from the pain and how much he has already lost through a change in diet.

You write about your problems that at some point you were in such pain that "I no longer enjoyed my job". How did this make itself felt in everyday life?

Johann Lafer: Maybe one thing in advance, I love my job! But after more than 45 years as a high-performance chef with 14 to 16 hours on my feet seven days a week, the body sends warning signals at some point, which I have ignored for a long time. At first it just zipped here and there, when it got worse, I just took painkillers. I walked like a duck, sport was out of the question. I didn't know anymore, does it come from the knee or from the hip? Anyway, I kept going until one day when I wanted to visit my daughter in London, I couldn't get off the plane. Then I only realized that it couldn't go on like this.

What did you have to give up in the meantime because of your pain professionally and privately?

Lafer: I was in my mid-50s and felt totally empty. Of course I continued to work, in my private life I no longer got on my bike, stopped skiing or even went for a walk with our Labrador bitch. If you always carry pain around with you, it also does something in your head with you. The brain simply no longer works freely, the creativity and desire for everything was gone. But it had to go on in the job. I then consulted several doctors and the diagnosis was clear: osteoarthritis in the left knee. The doctor explained to me that it was like a worn tire and I couldn't get around an operation. This was initially done on the "gentle" tour, the cartilage was smoothed, but afterwards it was only a little better for a short time.

Then you decided to have a big knee surgery. How long did it take you then to be able to move fully again?

Lafer: Yes, I then underwent a knee surgery, got a new knee joint and was not there for my guests for the first time over New Years and New Years. It was terrible for me. The weeks and months afterwards in rehab were even worse. I had to start from scratch, learn to walk and move in the knee very slowly and painfully with daily therapies. All in all, it took over half a year until I was able to walk without pain again. And I couldn't and didn't want to afford a longer break, so I was happy to be back at the stove. The condition was okay for me, I found my old passion and performance again. But that didn't last forever … Then it started in my right knee and I was really horrified to relive the whole ordeal. I was devastated and didn't know what to do.

Then you met Petra Bracht and Roland Liebscher-Bracht. What has the two changed for you?

Lafer: Yes, it was more of a coincidence. The program manager from Gräfe and Unzer brought us together, frankly, I was quite skeptical when I heard about the Liebscher & Bracht method. How could a pain specialist who is not even a doctor and a nutritionist help me when I had already consulted so many doctors and they all said the same thing to me: osteoarthritis is not curable and I cannot avoid another operation . And now Liebscher and Bracht claimed the opposite. But no matter, I went to their practice in Bad Homburg, I had nothing to lose.

Roland then explained to me that the osteoarthritis pain had to do with muscle tension and hardened fascia and promised to alleviate the pain and that with a few treatments with him and consistent exercises at home I could defeat the osteoarthritis. I was skeptical. Then he started, pressed around the knee at various points and always asked me how painful the touch was on a scale of 1 to 10. Quite painful, more like 10, but I persisted and after a while the osteopressure subsided. And really no joke, after that I could go down the stairs, almost without pain and without limping. I immediately went up and down again and could hardly believe my luck! For the past few years, I've only been in the elevator as often as possible.

You have lost 16 kilos within six months. Would you like to further reduce your weight and what has changed physically since then?

Lafer: Weight loss was a welcome side effect. Dr. Petra Bracht recommended that I completely change my diet, especially not eating meat. She has been a vegan out of conviction and scientific knowledge for over 30 years, I could not imagine that now. But she listed foods that were anti-inflammatory, so I started making more vegetables and legumes and experimenting. And suddenly I found the plant-based diet to be a pleasure and noticed how well it was doing with my own body. All blood values, cholesterol and sugar values ​​improved within a few weeks. Now I'm trying to keep my weight down, it may be a few pounds less, but it feels really good.

How did you change your diet? And how do you feel about meat and sausage consumption, do you feel that you have to do without something?

Lafer: I admit that the transition was difficult at the beginning. Especially as a cook and gourmet, I didn't want to do without. But I've always appreciated the vegetable kitchen. And I had a lot of fun creating new recipes based on the 28 anti-inflammatory foods that Petra Bracht recommended. Today I can do without meat and still enjoy eating.

Have you ever tried interval fasting or do you otherwise regularly fast?

Lafer: Fasting was no stranger to me because I have been going to a fasting clinic for the first few weeks of January for years. It is always very hard at the beginning, but after a week or two I notice every time how body and mind become lighter and more workable again. Fasting also sensitizes the taste buds. I do not like daily intermittent fasting, but its healing effects are undisputed.

How often do you do your exercises and how much time does it cost?

Lafer: At first I was sloppy and didn't really believe in the Liebscher-Bracht exercises. But after the first knee pain reappeared and I got a new treatment, I vowed to integrate the recommended exercises into my life every day. It's only ten minutes a day, which I usually do in the morning. Now I even take a rope and a wedge with me when traveling to do the exercises everywhere.

How are you today? Have you inspired changes in your life to do new things?

Lafer: I no longer need tablets, I am absolutely pain-free and feel like a new person! I have a lot more fun with my work, I have become more spontaneous and enjoy my freedom of movement, I can go hiking and cycling again. And yes, I also try new things. Given the current situation that people are cooking more at home again, I want to support and inspire people with cooking videos. Also in the hope that in future more people will eat fresh and healthy food.