Julie Bowen: “Modern Family” star saves an unhappy hiker

Julie Bowen
“Modern Family” star rescues an unfortunate hiker

Julie Bowen, a TV star with undreamt-of qualities.

© carrie-nelson / ImageCollect.com

“Modern Family” star Julie Bowen has proven her qualities as a first aider in real life, helping an unconscious hiker.

As the lovable TV mother Claire Dunphy from the hit sitcom “Modern Family”, actress Julie Bowen (51) has built a loyal fan base around the world. Now she has proven that she has her heart in the right place in real life – and that she has great first-aid qualities. This is evidenced by the Facebook post including photos as evidence a woman from New Jersey named Minnie John, who unexpectedly met the TV star and her sister in an emergency.

Accordingly, the woman was with her family in a national park in the US state of Utah when she suddenly felt dizzy while hiking and then rested on a stone. She told her loved ones to continue climbing the hill without them and to pick them up on the way back. But left alone, she suddenly passed out a short time later and hit her nose on a stone while falling. When she came to, a strangely familiar voice spoke to her.

Blessing in disguise

It was Julie Bowen, who was walking the hiking trail in Arches National Park in the presence of her sister Annie Luetkemeyer and who immediately provided the injured woman with first aid. The great luck: Luetkemeyer is a doctor and therefore immediately knew what to do.

A little later, the disoriented woman finally realized what celebrity had bailed her out. Already able to smile again, the three women then posed for a few photos to capture the unusual story for posterity.
