Just a phase – 7 things that cause parents to lose their nerve for no reason

Are you also in the middle of it, insane? Perhaps it calms you down that most nerves are wasted completely in vain (seen in retrospect). 7 things that REALLY pass, even if you don't believe in the "Oh, I'm growing" theories.

1. Mothers talks

We all suffer from it and still participate: Mudditalk. After a coffee with good friends we know everything about little Jan-Eric's teething and Matilda's sleeping habits. We have learned little about our friends and we have little exciting to report. If you do not know that you will soon be completely yourself again and can talk about this self again, it can cause a serious crisis of meaning. But the all-clear: you will come back. And you will still be YOU.

2. The diet

What kind of feathers have we left to bring the pumpkin quinoa porridge with apple juice and rapeseed oil into our child and to explain to the daycare center that the rice pudding does not need sugar, but agave syrup. Only to see that the little Lasse who licks ice with 10 months and eats squeezes instead of fruit does NOT get the virus (which has caught all the pumpkin quinoa children). Congratulations, again stressed for nothing.

3. When does my child run / speak / crawl?

"Well, the Klara was already running at eight months". Great for Klara, no matter for you. As important as it appears in the first few months … it is so piepwurzegal when your child can do what. If it had serious motor or cognitive problems, you would already notice it. Unfortunately, you always learn this Zen lesson too late and leave the know-it-all mothers in the ring for far too long.

4. The taste of clothing of two-year-olds

This moment when your two-year-old in Anna-and-Elsa pajamas wants to go to his older sister's daycare or your daughter discovers the 70-inappropriate-layer-look. We should have let her go just like that. It would have saved us an endless amount of nerves. And we would already have a fantastic video contribution for the wedding in 20 years. Top!


The communication behavior of small children and their own sense of courtesy … there can be no further differences between them. Experts are certain that it is enough to simply lead by example. Even if the sausage seller shakes her head indignantly ten times: THANKS come early enough. You don't have to forcefully force it as soon as the little one can say "mom".

6. Honey, will you have a date in two years?

Time for two … in short supply with small children. In retrospect, we were too worried. Well, then we were too tired to have sex. Then we had no interest in adventure dates for a year. We should have just relaxed Netflixen and left us alone. But no, we had to argue for hours and deal with relationship problems. Our time would have come back too. But who can guess that beforehand?

7. We have nothing in common. Except children.

Do you have to meet unappealing people just because they have children of the same age? Mumpitz! Your time is far too precious to waste on discussions about your breastfeeding behavior, your baby pounds or your parenting concept. If you do not respect diversity among mothers, we should take care of the most valuable things. Note: Children are not worth mentioning in common! You can't see that early enough.