Justin Theroux: Jennifer Aniston is still part of his life

Justin Theroux
Jennifer Aniston is still part of his life

Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston tied the knot in 2015. The marriage lasted less than three years.

© Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com

Friends with the ex? Apparently, that’s no problem for Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston. “We love each other,” says the actor.

For years, Justin Theroux (49, “The Leftovers”) shared his life with fellow actor Jennifer Aniston (52, “My invented wife”). The separation became known in 2018. But the two ex-spouses are still friends, as the actor confirms to Esquire magazine. “We don’t have contact every day, but we call each other. We make video calls and we write,” he says.

Theroux could not speak of a dramatic separation. On the contrary: “We love each other.” The 49-year-old value the friendship with the actress very much. You make him laugh “very, very often”. “She’s a funny person,” says Theroux of Hollywood star Aniston. For the actor it would truly be “a loss if we were no longer in contact”.

A new partner is not in sight

Justin Theroux is single. “There is only one central relationship in my life – my mother,” he jokes. Since it is difficult to meet new people in times of the corona pandemic, online dating would be an option. But not for the 49-year-old. He says he doesn’t use dating apps. “It sounds a bit old-fashioned, but I actually like getting to know someone,” he explains.

Theroux does not feel the urge to start a family and have children. “As for the desire to continue the family line, there are enough Theroux in the world who can do that for me,” he says. Still, he would “kind of love it if there was a knock on my door and someone said, ‘Hey, I’m your 16-year-old kid.’ I would say, ‘Oh my god, that’s amazing.’ ”
