Karine Le Marchand: Rare shot with her daughter Alya, tenderly lying on her knees

The last season of Love is in the meadow ended in November 2021 but Karine Le Marchand (53 years old) is already preparing for the arrival of the new farmers of 2022. And to discover the portraits of future candidates wishing to find love, the fetish host of M6 unveiled her unexpected assistant on Instagram: her daughter Alya! “Portraits season 17 exclusive + my daughter = Paradise“she wrote in the caption of a photograph where we see the young girl with the brown hair tenderly lying on her knees.

Host of Love is in the meadow since 2010, the former presenter of the show France has an unbelievable talent had given birth to her granddaughter in 2002. Very discreet, she rarely reveals pictures of her child and has never revealed her face to the public. Interviewed by Gala in November 2021, the host of the show Operation Renaissance revealed how she handled being a solo mom to educate her daughter.

Shortly after giving birth, the pretty brunette had indeed separated from the father of her daughter. A repetitive pattern for Karine Le Marchand who herself grew up without a father (her father was absent during her childhood and then died of AIDS). “I am my own father. I only have me. I grew up without a pillar, and I’m my daughter’s“she confided, adding that her daughter’s dad was alive”abroad“.”What is certain is that I was extremely happy to raise my daughter on my own. This fusion, even if I didn’t want it, I loved it“confided the host.

A very important relationship for Karine the Merchant who has been fulfilled since she succeeded in becoming a mother. An obstacle course for the beautiful brunette who had struggled to get pregnant and who had even thought of resorting to a PMA (Medically Assisted Reproduction) to become a mother. Eventually, she got pregnant naturally without having to undergo any medical intervention.

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