Keeping Tulips Fresh: The 5 Best Tips

Don’t let them down!
With these 5 tricks, tulips stay fresh longer

© alexkich / Shutterstock

Hardly any other flower exudes spring fever as much as the tulip. No matter how disgusting the weather outside: With a colorful bouquet of flowers on the desk, a good mood is (almost) guaranteed. We’ll tell you how the pretty cut flowers last a particularly long time.

Luisa Ziegler

Don’t let me down!

Tulips continue to grow in the vase. If the vase is too small, they quickly let their heads hang over the edge. Flower lovers should therefore use a tall, narrow vase.

Hands off the scissors

Before we arrange them in the vase, the tulip stems are attached to the collar. Important: You shouldn’t use scissors for this, because they crush the sensitive lines in the stems. Instead, we cut off the bottom 5 to 6 mm with a clean knife. This allows the flowers to better absorb water and nutrients. We also remove the lower leaves because they quickly rot in the water.

Do not leave tulips dry

Tulips are very thirsty. If they don’t have enough water, they can hang their heads quickly. Therefore you should check the water level every day. It is worth taking a look at the stems: when they have turned brown, cut them off. Incidentally, the cut flowers do not need any extra flower food. Cool tap water from the tap is completely sufficient and provides the tulips with all the important nutrients.

Be careful when choosing a neighbor

The colorful tulips cut a great figure on their own. But they can also be combined well with spring flowers to make a colorful bouquet. However, daffodils, also known as daffodils, don’t have a place in our tulip vase. Because they secrete a slime that causes the tulips to wither. We also prefer to keep our cut flowers away from the fruit basket. The reason: the ripening gas ethylene, which the fruit gives off. This gas can accelerate the aging process.

Store in a cool and shady place

Tulips feel particularly comfortable in a cool environment. You should therefore not stand in the blazing sun or right next to the heater. If you place the bouquet on your desk or in the living room during the day, you don’t have to freeze with the window open. Instead, we simply store the tulips overnight in the basement or garage. So we can enjoy the beautiful flowers for up to 10 days.
