Kylie Minogue in an interview: “I’m enough for myself right now”

Kylie Minogue
“I’m just enough for myself”

© Dave Bennett/Getty Images

Kylie Minogue talks in GALA about her emotional comeback, new teenage fans and her single life in Australia.

There’s that smile again that immediately captivates everyone. Kylie Minogue, one of the world’s most versatile pop singers for 35 years, has traveled to Berlin to promote her 16th studio album, Tension. GALA meets them 55-year-old for an interview.

Kylie Minogue: “I always like to offer a little something extra”

A little later she will play all the new songs to invited guests in a club in the Kreuzberg district and serve the Kylie Rosé wine she brought with her. It’s a bestseller in Great Britain. Kylie always jumps into the crowd in Kreuzberg and dances along to her songs with abandon.

GALA: What a comeback! Your single “Padam Padam” is the summer hit of the year, your album is now out and a sold-out Las Vegas show is about to begin. Is this the best phase of your career at the moment?
Kylie Minogue: This is a wonderful time for me right now. The feelings of happiness completely blow me away. I didn’t expect to get such euphoric reactions to my music. “Padam Padam” has taken on a crazy life of its own.

The number became a hit, not least on TikTok.
Isn’t that cool? The new generation now knows who I am. This is so crazy, so wonderful! Now the kids are really diving deep into my story. They are totally curious and are currently discovering “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head”, a song that is more than 20 years old. (laughs) So many people who have never heard of me are getting to know me for the first time thanks to Padam Padam.

Many stars become divas through success. But not you – you always seem approachable. Everyone wants to talk to you straight away.
I actually like being nice and accommodating. It’s probably in my blood to be kind. And that’s why a lot of people aren’t afraid to chat to me – which is cool. Okay, they don’t always meet me at the ideal moment, but that’s completely okay. I love my fans, I really always want to give people the best. Yes, I always try to give a little more than is perhaps necessary.

What do you mean?
I work a lot and I always want to do a little more than what is expected of me. That means: I always like to offer a little something extra, even if I sometimes overexert myself.

On love – “I enjoy being exactly the person in exactly the body that I am”

In your song “Things We Do For Love” you ask yourself: “Should I go or stay?”. It was created at the end of your relationship Paul Solomons?
I don’t remember exactly what phase we were in. But it was definitely a time of questioning.

You don’t necessarily need a partner to be happy?
Correct. The connection between a romantic relationship and basic happiness cannot be represented in a mathematical equation. I mean, I keep writing songs about this magic of togetherness. But on “Tension” my strength and self-confidence bubble to the surface in many moments – I take my own space. I feel very comfortable where I am in my life right now. I focus on myself and I’m not missing anything. There is currently no partner.

Because you don’t want one?
I don’t hide from the world, but I am enough for myself right now. I enjoy being exactly the person in exactly the body that I am. I have overcome some obstacles in my life. (Kylie beat breast cancer; editor’s note). I am on a journey where I continually reflect and get to know myself better and better.

Finally close to the family again

In 2021, after around 30 years in London, you moved back to your Australian hometown of Melbourne. What was the reason?
I’ve always flown back and forth a lot between Australia and the rest of the world. But now it’s especially nice for my parents to have me close to them. They know they can see me more often. My brother, my sister and my nephews are there too. It’s good for me to be able to be with my family more often. These people mean so much to me.

Your show starts in Las Vegas at the beginning of November. Will your parents watch the spectacle?
You can take poison on that! (laughs) My parents won’t miss Vegas.


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