Landed in a stream bed – fell into a ravine: the handlebars were thrown out of the car

Spectacular accident in Ginzling in the Tyrolean district of Schwaz on Saturday! During a turning maneuver, a German (60) fell 30 meters into a ravine with his car. The driver was thrown from the vehicle and injured. A helicopter had to arrive.

The accident occurred shortly after 5 p.m. The 60-year-old was driving his car in Ginzling on the old country road between Roßhang and Breitlahner. “Because there were large stones on the gravel road, he could no longer continue his journey,” the police say. As a result, the driver had to initiate a turning maneuver.Flowed to the clinic by helicopter. But that went badly wrong. “The vehicle strayed off the path and fell 30 meters into the Zemm Gorge.” As a result of the impact, the 60-year-old was thrown out of the vehicle and remained ten meters above the stream bed. After initial treatment, the injured person was rescued using rope and flown to the Innsbruck clinic. The Florianijüngers from the Mayrhofen volunteer fire department recovered the car.
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