Lesbian divorces: when women are madly in love

Lesbian divorces
When women are madly in love

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“After two weeks we moved in together and after two months we were engaged.” – sounds crazy, it is too. And yet it’s not uncommon in the lesbian world.

by Julia Stock

It is made fun of in series and in conversations with friends. On the second date, the moving van comes and you get cats, they say. But it’s not really funny. After all, this is about two people who, due to an oxytocin surge, the bonding hormone in rose-colored glasses, make plans for life and then reality catches up with them.

When women want everything – immediately

It sparkles. It’s pointless. I want es! “- we women are often just not rational. Me too, especially when I’m in love. Nevertheless, I have a certain aversion to people who break into relationships and make life decisions. I’ve been in a relationship with women who were very engaging and that irritated me – which of course doesn’t mean that I then distanced myself. In my lesbian environment I know countless stories in which two women dashed into their supposed love happiness at full throttle. Most of them don’t speak a word anymore with each other and ashamed of their naive behavior – which doesn’t mean they don’t make the same mistake twice.

10 percent of lesbian marriages divorced after two years

In the UK, 1,409 marriages were performed in the first three months after same-sex marriage was legalized in March 2014. A little more than half of them were lesbian. If you take into account the divorce statistics, 10 percent of these couples got divorced in 2016. Wow, so after only two years the pink, lesbian wedding glasses turned into a divorce.

Reason for separation: “irresponsible behavior”

Women want to bond faster and have higher expectations of their relationships – this is what sociologists from the UK and Scandinavia observe and believe that explains higher divorce rates. Fits well with the statistic that reveals that lesbian women almost always cite “irresponsible behavior” as grounds for divorce, which can mean anything from infidelity to refusing to get a job. I know these pretended reasons from somewhere.

Marry out of a sense of duty

The same naturally applies to women in heterosexual marriages: in 2011 two thirds of divorces were initiated by women. But then the expectations and the intense attachment hormones do not come in a double pack. Besides, the right is to marry same-sex so new that it almost screams to be noticed. For feminist reasons alone. This trend was already evident in the registered partnership: the inquiries were ten times higher than expected.

Cheers to love, not appearances

So ladies, if you think you have to pull up the moving truck on the second date, talk about the “future wife” on the fourth date and after a year If you want to get married for two months, please stop for a moment. Do you find yourself incredibly attractive? Great. The sex is bombastic and you can’t keep your fingers off each other? Wonderful, enjoy it! Love is something wonderful, savoring it to the full. But please, please take off your rose-colored glasses before you make decisions that have consequences. Don’t get married because it’s okay now, it’s fashion, or because Granny would like it so much, but out of love and please wait at least the first few months of the love hormone sling.
