Line Renaud, her fight to legalize active assistance in dying

The actress and singer Line Renaud and the deputy of Charente-Maritime Olivier Falorni, general rapporteur of the bill on the end of life, sent a letter published by “Le Journal du Dimanche” to legalize aid active to die.

A fight close to his heart. Line Renaud has been campaigning for many years to legalize active assistance in dying. On Sunday, accompanied by the deputy of Charente-Maritime Olivier Falorni, general rapporteur of the bill on the end of life, she sent a new letter asking for the legalization of active assistance in dying published this Sunday by “Le Journal du Sunday” . “Why want to stay until the end when you know that you are condemned in the short term and that your physical and psychological suffering will be, despite medical progress and the dedication of caregivers, refractory to any therapeutic treatment? Why endure cruel agony when death can deliver you from a life that is no more than a painful survival without hope of healing? “By refusing so far to legalize any active assistance in dying, France has shown great hypocrisy. Faced with the absence of an institutional solution, two types of response have emerged: exile in neighboring countries to die there and the practice of clandestine euthanasia in our country”, adds the text, which recalls the progress of the law in Belgium. Line Renaud and Olivier Falorni then speak directly to the President of the Republic. “On March 31, in Fouras, in Charente-Maritime, during the campaign for the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron replied to a citizen who questioned him on this subject: “I am in favor of moving towards the Belgian model. » (…) The French expect this right to their ultimate freedom. It is therefore time, Mr. Speaker, ladies and gentlemen, to finally have a law, here and now. »

Sponsor of the association for the right to die with dignity (ADMD)

In September 2021, Line Renaud went to the Palais Bourbon to address the deputies. “As godmother of the association for the right to die with dignity (ADMD), I am counting on you to vote as soon as possible. This is essential progress that we must no longer prevent, ”she declared to the National Assembly. “Having lived free and dignified, I cannot imagine dying in chains and coercion. If our life belongs to us, it must be the same for our death,” she explained. The actress had also published a poignant letter in April 2021. She confided in particular on her personal experience and the “oh so painful end of life” that she accompanied. “That of my husband, of my mother, of so many AIDS patients. The latest is from the mother of a friend who has worked with me for a very long time. She had to endure atrocious suffering that the current law has not for a moment allowed to relieve. As admirable as they are, the doctors were not able to prevent this ordeal and this woman did not die peacefully, with dignity, as she wished.

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In “Special Envoy” a few days later, she spoke about her wishes regarding her own end of life. “I would like to end where I have lived all my happy life with my parents, with Loulou. I would like to die in my bed, I would like to die at home and I would even like to have around me my very close friends Muriel [Robin]Claudius [Chirac]Nicole [Sonneville, son amie et attachée de presse], and Dany Boon. They would be four around me, I would ask that we open a bottle of champagne and I would drink to life.

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