LinkedIn: these best practices to boost your audience

How to successfully capture your audience on LinkedIn? If you are looking to develop your presence on the professional social network, you should focus on certain posts. A study analyzed the best performing formats.

Like on Instagram, some posts get more clicks than others on LinkedIn. This is what the study by Socialinsider and Cloud Campaign attempts to demonstrate, which analyzes 141,474 posts on LinkedIn from 1,126 company pages, between January 2021 and April 2022.

Documents shared directly on LinkedIn, such as posting PDFs, perform best, generating three times more clicks than any other type of post. On average, the click-through rate, which determines the percentage of people who clicked on a publication, on LinkedIn (all types of content combined) is 2.2%. With native documents, this rate is rather between 3.5% and 8.6% depending on the popularity of the account. According to Socialinsider, the success of documents on LinkedIn is partly due to the fact that the social network wants to boost active pages that offer content that encourages users to stay online longer.


LinkedIn is an online professional social network.

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Small accounts make good friends

Videos are a source of engagement on LinkedIn, meaning that they generate more “likes”, comments and clicks. Accounts with less than 50,000 followers manage to achieve 4.49% engagement per impression share with videos, compared to an average of 3.16% on the social network. Impressions indicate the number of times a post has been viewed. Since the advent of TikTok, platforms have chosen to develop video formats in the face of the observed enthusiasm. The professional platform is no exception to this trend and therefore seems to be pushing video content on its platform as well as average accounts.

The view rate is also the best with the smallest accounts (less than 5,000 followers) with 17.18% on average against 11.29% for medium accounts (between 10,000 and 50,000 subscribers). Even accounts followed by more than 100,000 people do not reach this rate of views (16.36%). On LinkedIn, the video view rate is 14.46%.

Images are still the most popular with accounts between 50,000 and 100,000 subscribers with an engagement rate per impression of 4.06% while documents are essential with 4.84% in accounts with more than 100,000 subscribers.

Finally, it is better to be a small account on LinkedIn to reach more users with its publications. According to the study, pages with less than 5,000 subscribers generate a penetration rate of 6.17% against an average of 3.49%. Accounts with between 50,000 and 100,000 subscribers are the most in difficulty with a 1.63% “reach” rate.

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