Little-known support for territorial volunteering in companies

Employment policy

[La politique de l’emploi s’appuie sur des dispositifs créés au fil des besoins, qui restent parfois méconnus longtemps après leur création. Quelle est leur efficacité contre le chômage ? Elle n’est pas toujours évaluée. Le Monde publie une série d’articles sur les aides à l’emploi pour tenter d’estimer ce que l’on en sait – leur objectif initial, leurs résultats.]

The objective of the device

Inspired by international corporate volunteering (VIE), territorial corporate volunteering (VTE) was launched in 2018 to overcome recruitment difficulties in certain territories. It is not a specific aid or contract, but rather a “label” originally aimed at encouraging students and young qualified graduates to carry out a mission in an SME or in an intermediate-sized company (ETI) in the region. The VTE entitles you to certain financial aid, put in place during the health crisis.

Any work-study contract, CDI or CDD of at least one year, is eligible for this system. The mission must correspond to a position of responsibility: transformation project, digitalization, new business modelhuman resources, international development… The candidate must therefore be a student from bac + 2, or a young graduate who finished his studies less than two years ago, and does not necessarily have to come from another region.


The main aid, “VTE vert”, is part of the measures set up during the “one young person, one solution” plan. In the amount of 12,000 euros, its objective is to encourage companies to engage in the energy transition, while recruiting young graduates. It is accessible to SMEs and ETIs in all sectors of activity, everywhere in France (including in Ile-de-France).

But only missions related to the energy and ecological transition are eligible: creation of new services with low environmental impact, adaptation of industrial processes for more sober production, etc. “Even work to obtain a label or green certification”, reports Brivael Maillard, of Bpifrance, during a “webinar” on the VTE on January 27. On the other hand, the “simple awareness-raising or communication actions” are excluded.

The young person recruited in an SME can “spend only 50% of their working time on their mission” and work the rest of the time on non-environmental subjects, specifies Brivael Maillard. In an ETI, on the other hand, the young person must devote at least 80% of his time to his mission. Only the full-time recruitment of young people from bac + 3 is eligible for this aid.

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