LoL: Bel’Veth’s inexplicable interaction that breaks the most basic rules of the game

League of Legends has a problem with new champions. Balancing issues or skill controversies aside, Riot Games’ increased character creativity has resulted in some very difficult to explain interactions. The champions now coming to Summoner’s Rift are more complex and have more interesting unique mechanics. However, sometimes the game is simply not configured to act correctly in all scenarios that may occur during a game.

An interaction that breaks all the rules of the game

One of the most obvious manifestations of this situation was experienced by a player who wanted to share it with the community. In the clip in question, we see how a Renata Glasc uses her ultimate (Hostile Takeover) against Bel’Veth to give her opponents time to finish her off. The problem is that the Nether Empress starts using her E (Imperial Maelstrom) and the result changes inexplicably. Nothing should have happened since there were no nearby allies or opponents, but instead she consistently hits Renata herself, even though she’s far from the area of ​​the attack. ‘effect.

Even community members who specialize in determining the reasons for game crashes and bugs of all kinds could not come to a conclusion. The only possible explanation is that Riot Games made a mistake while coding the ability. In this sense, it is an error that occurs only once in a very large number of games, but the result of which can be fatal for one of the teams. It’s not as bad as other bugs that are much more common, but it certainly doesn’t help the integrity of League of Legends.

Riot Games is facing some crisis due to in-game programming issues. The developer has seen more and more of these issues reoccur in competitive matches and even Faker has taken the studio to task for this situation. As such, we can expect League of Legends to receive a long list of bug fixes over the next few weeks.

League of Legends patch 12.13 has barely arrived in Summoner’s Rift when Riot Games decides to roll out an emergency hot fix for three champions. Sivir is a real monster with his mini-rework, while Master Yi and Gwen dominate Summoner’s Rift a bit too much.

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