LoL: End of DuoQ? Riot Games is (temporarily) backtracking

Sometimes League of Legends developers throw out an idea to see what the community thinks. A practice they last carried out a few months ago, when they explained to the community the problem that players were causing when playing in duos in ranked. Regarding this situation, Riot Games explained that they were “studying” the removal of the “premades” option, therefore of the duoqueue. In other words, it would only be possible to tag solo, while the Flex would be the only way to confront the ranked mode with several people. This measure has been controversial and was recently voted down.

Riot backtracks (temporarily)

In recent weeks, the developers have come back to the question to rule out this possibility. However, Riot Games’ refusal to make this change is only temporary. The company still has months of work ahead of it and there won’t be any changes by the end of Season 12 or the start of the next one. which would postpone the possible disappearance of the “DuoQ” at least to the first month of the year 2024. An extended period of calm during which the League of Legends developers will focus on another main objective.

Previously, League of Legends had an exclusive mode for 5-player “premades”.

The reason why single player ranked matches will continue to allow us to play two is basically because even the company isn’t sold on Flex mode. Riot Auberaun, one of the main maintainers of the League of Legends rank system, explained to the community that‘”there is a lot of research to be done”. However, he clarified that some of the possible changes would be aimed at at “make Solo mode and Flex mode not compete” so that they meet different needs of League of Legends players.

To achieve this, Riot Games’ goal would be to bring back “some great ideas from the old 5v5 modes or the current Clash”. In this way, the company hopes to mitigate opinions such as “the rank obtained in Flex does not count”. Rather than competing with each other, the League of Legends developers want the two modes to complement each other. It’s only then, when a new season of ranked play kicks off, that League of Legends players will likely have to face the single-player ranked mode truly alone. It’s only a matter of time, then, before the DuoQ disappears for good.

The end of League of Legends Season 12 is coming soon and, as usual, Riot Games has unveiled the skin that will reward players who reach Gold rank or higher before the fateful date. This year, it was Sejuani who had the honors of the studio.

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