LoL: Failing to win the Worlds, Jensen breaks a record

Photo: LoL Esports

Win the Worlds is the ultimate dream for a League of Legends player. But the road is strewn with pitfalls. Already it is difficult to lift the Summoner’s Cup, the task seems even more complicated when you do not evolve in a Chinese or Korean team…

But beyond winning, it should be noted that the simple fact of participating is a success in itself. Playing a world championship allows you to become known by the international community while confronting the best. At this little game, jensen has nothing to envy anyone. He even just beat a record which imposes the respect !

8 consecutive appearances at the Worlds

This record could make more than one jealous… The Danish midlaner who has spent almost all of his career in NA has thus managed to qualify for the 8th consecutive season at the Worlds. Bad tongues will say that the competitiveness of his region is limited and that it is easier to qualify for the World Cup there than in China. This is surely true, but the performance remains remarkable all the same.

For his first 4 Worlds, Jensen wore the colors of C9. Then, he represented Team Liquid for 3 seasons before qualifying again this year with… C9. The Dane is indeed back home after a turbulent end to his adventure in his last team, where he saw his lifelong rival, Bjergsen, stealing his place as holder. The latter is still not guaranteed to be there this year, so we could speak of a big blow of karma!

Behind Jensen, a Korean and a European

Some might have thought that a player like Faker holds the record for consecutive Worlds appearances, but the GOAT has consistently missed the competition. Behind Jensen, with 6 world championships in a row, we find the Korean CoreJJ and the Croatian Perkz.

  • Perkz having missed the LEC playoffs this summer, will not be able to be at Worlds with Team Vitality. His series is therefore doomed to stop.
  • CoreJJ can however continue his series if he goes up the lower bracket of the LCS with Team Liquid. In any case, he will always be behind Jensen, but he could bring his personal mark to 7 participations in a row.


The playoffs are linked to the four corners of the world and League of Legends fans feel the fervor rising little by little… The Worlds are coming and the more the days go by, the more we can’t wait for the competition to begin. But it will still be necessary to wait for a few more weeks before igniting.

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