LoL game news: Caitlyn, Zeri and Twisted Fate… everything you need to know about the upcoming 12.3 changes

Game News LoL: Caitlyn, Zeri and Twisted Fate…all you need to know about the upcoming 12.3 changes

If League of Legends has also become popular over the years, it is thanks to the frequency of patches and updates provided by the developers who constantly renew the landscape of chosen champions and therefore the face of the games. A face that should be further revamped with the 12.3 update.


  • Twisted Fate, Caitlyn or Ahri… The adjustments of champions
  • A review of the role of combatants

Twisted Fate, Caitlyn or Ahri… The adjustments of champions

We were telling you about it yesterday: Riot has planned to modify certain League of Legends champions, whether to make them stronger or less powerful. On the program, adjustments for very popular champions like Twisted Fate (TF), Caitlyn, Zeri or Janna. In total, fourteen heroes are balanced: 3 buffed (which are the subject of a buff, or a modification aimed at improving the character), 9 nerfed (modified to reduce their overall potency) and two adjusted. It was Phlox, designer on LoL, who announced the adjustments to come in 12.3:

Among the major modifications that we can note, it is first of all the adjustment of the last champion arrived in the Rift. Zeri, AD Carry available since January 20, mentioned. Often played with Runaan’s Hurricane, Zeri’s ultimate could stack multiple movement speed effects. This will no longer be the case. In short, we also note that Senna will have a much lower chance of recovering souls from minions (10% to 2.7%) while the damage from Distortion of LeBlanc have been reduced. Finally, the Q (Trumps) of Twisted Fate will deal less damage and its E (Package) will grant it less attack speed on its early levels. Also of note: Caitlyn has her Damage Growth (AD) reduced, as well as her Q (Piltover’s Peacemaker) secondary damage reduced.

A review of the role of combatants

In addition to the changes aimed at Rift champions, Phlox says that many items have also been revised. Many adjustments with a single goal, to rethink the role of fighter:

When a frail fighter can serve as a shield for the team while killing opposing champions, it can be confusing. They don’t have to take a lot of risk to have big profits. Conversely, thick heavy fighters should feel like big meatbags and be hard to kill.

In this context, Phlox indicates that facing these two types of fighters should not be the same thing. This is why the attributes of certain objects have been redesigned: so-called “light” fighters should no longer share the same objects as with so-called “heavy” fighters, to give players better readability. Finally, Phlox concludes by indicating that this is a major change that will be closely watched when 12.3 is released… the date of which has not yet been announced.

Through CharlanmhgWriting


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