LoL: Karmine vs Vitality.Bee, a diff jungle story?

Photo: Karmine Corp/Vitality

It’s validated ! The European Masters will be won once again by a French team. LDLC OL crushed AGO Rogue in his semi-final and awaits his opponent, quietly, in the big final. The latter will necessarily be an LFL team, since we will have the right to a 100% French confrontation between two teams who know each other extremely well: the Karmine Corp. and Vitality.Bee. Organizations are fighting in France for the honorary title of the largest structure in France and on the networks, the ultras are never the last to trash talk. On the field, this rivalry is also found since the two teams compete for the leading roles and clash regularly.

When you look at the rosters, there are also a lot of little stories to tell. saken was kicked out by Team Vitality, as was Cabochard and they often take pleasure in playing dirty tricks on their former employer. Szygenda is precisely the one that replaced the Caboche at the time. We will also add that Skeanz had the opportunity to play with the two players from Karmine Corp… He therefore knows them like the back of his hand. Finally, let us add that the duel Rekkles vs. Jeskla promises to be strong in symbolism. The two Swedish players are former LEC players and it’s time for the little bee to take flight to get out of the shadow of his elder. But in our opinion, this match which will be played under high intensity has a key point which is elsewhere. It’s the match up jungle which will define everything and we tell you why.

The jungle, a central role in general

Everyone will have their opinion on the matter, but there is no need to play the Worlds to know that the position of jungle is central in a team. Based on our soloQ, we even want to say that it’s still a diff jungle story. Obviously, it’s a bit more complicated than that, but the jungler is often the player who dictates the pace of the game. As a free electron, he can influence the whole map depending on his pathing. Whether it’s at the top, in the middle or on the bottom lane, he can decide to bring the surplus where he wants and when he wants… Provided he doesn’t get his head eaten by the enemy jungle, which can counter gank.

Attention, the role of jungler is however far from being unidimensional. Depending on the profiles of the players but also the champions played, there are more or less aggressive or utilitarian characters. Where some will set a crazy pace at the start of the game (Olaf), others will farm for a long time to serve as 3rd carry for the team (Karthus). Finally, we must mention the control of neutral objectives (Dragons, Nashor, Herald). With his smite and lane priorities, it’s often the jungler who has to make the calls and secure his very precious resources. Beyond match-up Karmine Corp vs Vitality.Bee, the jungle is in any case a place where a lot of things happen. This is not always the case on theisolation island from the toplane. In the botlane, we also sometimes witness very passive phases marked by a gentlemen agreement.

113 vs Skeanz: two junglers who carry in their own way

Now let’s look at the two junglers of the day: the Turk 113 (KC) and French Skeanz (VITB). Both are talented and have game carrying abilities, but they also have quite a bit of a difference in their profiles. Without going into too much detail:

  • 113 : the Turk is a very aggressive jungler who has a style of play high risk, high reward. He’s on the move and it feels like he always feels compelled to create play and fight, especially when he’s playing champions like Lee Sin and Xin Zhao. He may still lack a little diversity in his game and in his champion pool and he does not always respect his opponents, vis-à-vis the priorities. Sometimes it passes anyway and we call it a masterclass. But sometimes it breaks and it’s a real disaster. Fortunately for him, he is well helped by his team which has very solid laners. But be careful not to force too much unnecessarily. On the other hand, fans can be certain of one thing: even when his statistics are horrible, the young jungle never gives up and will continue to create the game.
  • Skeanz : more experienced and more patient, Skeanz does not hesitate to take time for himself in his jungle. He likes to farm and take resources, to arrive in mid game with heavy artillery in his inventory. However, we cannot classify him in the category of passive junglers, even if he is less wisp than Bumm. It’s just that he’s more thoughtful and he calculated continuously the costs and benefits. One could say that it is more scholarly and more efficient, in theory. The only fault that we could find in him is that at times his playing lacks a bit of fluidity and spontaneity. When the established game plan is not respected and it is pushed to its limits, it tends to sometimes disappear, without succeeding in reversing the trend.

Aggression or control? Find the right balance

113 lit up the community during his first appearances with the Karmine Corp. We think back to his Lee Sin who was everywhere and chained actions of very high class. But since then, the adversaries are aware and have learned to protect themselves from this aggressiveness. Vitality.Bee will therefore have to make sure to control the jungler and it will go through a flawless vision while agreeing to step back so as not to take any risks. This is often what opponents of the Karmine Corp have been lacking so far.

We can now say it bluntly, but the other EUM teams were weak compared to LFL teams. When the Karmine prepares a dive with 113, it can be seen and felt. We will also add that Cabochard and Saken have been really good since the start of the competition. They put constant pressure on their lane, offering a top priority to their jungler. Vitality is warned and Skeanz, rather than ganking, would do well to control the whole map to track his vis-à-vis and especially to be at the rendezvous of counter ganks. Collectively, we felt that the teamfight of the bees was more convincing than that of KC. It may be frustrating for the French jungler, but we don’t think he can beat 113 on the field of aggressiveness. On the other hand, if his team is tied at the 20th minute game, everything should be fine.


But where are they ? But where are they ? But where are the Spaniards? Looking at the table of EUM, we are forced to show chauvinism. The French league of League of Legends works on competition and will have 3 teams in semi. The statistics are historical.

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