LoL legend Faker reaches 500 LCK wins

League of Legends, Esports, LCK Summer Split 2022, Korea, Gen.G, Faker

Gen.G was stringing together LCK wins, Faker wished his 500th win was their loss.

Gen.G were doing very well in LCK so far. However, they crossed paths with T1 and their legendary League of Legends midlaner, Faker. After several close matches, T1 turned the series around thanks to to a flight from Baron Nashor by Faker’s Lissandra.

After defeating Gen.G in the third and final game, Faker became the first player in LCK history to record 500 wins. A real record for the player which really seems unbeatable.

Faker is not the last for records, with his 2500 kills at the start of the year for example, but also an incredible season with T1 in LCK during the last split. For his part, Gen.G also recently made people talk about to a leak of a scrim against DWG. The team seems to be going through a difficult phase since its last days…

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