LoL: New Electroblade skins for Kassadin, Qiyana and Shen

Make way for a new cycle on the PBE League of Legends! As patch 12.3 arrives tonight, Riot Games has just revealed the skins that will arrive in patch 12.4. So it’s time to discover a whole new family. And believe me, there will be sparks!

Shen more handsome than ever

To inaugurate this new ensemble — entitled electroblade — three champions are celebrating: Shen (straight out of Mortal Kombat), Qiyana and Kassadin. Note that these three characters had not received new appearances for over a year (516 days for Shen).

The theme of this set is therefore electricity, or lightning, and we are quite satisfied with the result. Our little crush will still go to the Eye of Twilight which is more beautiful than ever (good Qiyana is quite nice too, let’s be honest).

League of Legends

As usual, each skin – which should cost 1350 RP each – will have many chromas. No prestige edition has been announced yet.

After two weeks of testing on the PBE, you will be able to buy these skins directly from the store after patch 12.4 rolls out on February 16th. So, convinced or not? Will it crack here? (I do).

Barely formalized, Renata, the 159th champion of League of Legends, is already intriguing in particular because she comes from Zaun. What if the Baroness of Chemistry joined season 2 of the animated series Arcane?

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