LoL season 12: new champions, redesigns, challenges … what to expect?

As usual, Riot Games, the publisher of League of Legends, did not do things by halves and started the ball rolling with a cutscene as magnificent as it is epic featuring our heroes in dantesque battles.

Rinsing the eye is fun but what we were especially waiting for is information on what will come this year.


Like every year, Riot intends to garnish his hero sweater with new champions, except that unlike the year 2021 which saw a large number of characters join the rift, 2022 will be marked by a slowdown and will therefore have fewer releases than the previous year.

However, don’t worry, we will still have our dose of new picks. The year begins with the arrival of a new ADC, Zeri, and more are to come.

Starting with a support, more precisely an enchanter, which will be placed alongside Lulu, Sona, Janna and others. Riot didn’t leave much info about him other than that this champion will be much darker than others in his class (enchanting media).

The devs still had fun going there with their little teasing since when it came time to change the subject, the presenter, Ryan “REAV3” Mireles, found himself possessed by an entity talking about the strange “Sea of ​​Lavender”. »(See below). Finally, the arrival of a jungler was also mentioned in more precision.

Finally, the MVGs (complete rework of champions) are back this year and players are also invited to vote directly on the game launcher for the next rework among the following champions: Skarner, Shyvana, Nocturne, Tryndamer and Kog’Maw. Udyr as for him, rework of last year, has seen his dreadful woods withdrawn and will land soon.


2022 will also be marked by the arrival of many skins and a long-awaited overhaul of Pass Events. First, we learn that Riot has worked on a new theme for his skins: Fighting Rabbits. We can already see that Riven and Miss Fortune will be rewarded. In addition, many characters who have not had a skin for a while, such as Orianna and Gangplank, will receive special attention.

The designers will not stop there since other themes are already in the works and Riot has also opened a vote here, on the game launcher, so that players decide on an (existing) theme to rework among : the Gothics, the Pure Warriors or the Infernals. .

Finally, these are therefore the Pass Events and the Prestiges and Hextech Skins which will be reviewed and corrected. Now the Passes will be clearer and look like TFT’s, unlocking rewards at each level. Among these rewards, we note the arrival of a new essence synthesizing Gems and Prestige Tokens. With this new essence, it will then be possible to unlock exclusive, Prestiges and Hextech skins. Finally, note the appearance of crafting missions and linked to the opening of capsules which will also give loyalty rewards.


To conclude, Riot has reviewed the new features implemented in the gameplay for season 12 such as new items or the Hextech and Techno-chemical dragons. The opportunity also to see the new design given to the shields and loading edges.

But above all they are the challenges that hold our attention here. Missions to complete who praise our style of play, whether by controlling the map with beacons, by achieving good performances in the KDA or by managing to dodge a large number of opposing skills. Your successes will also be rewarded with cosmetics related to your cargo border and your emblems. In a way, it is a bit like the Eternals system, but linked to the player and not to his champions.

2022 is shaping up to be a busy year for League of Legends! You can also find the complete list of dates for the resumption of the championships, and the schedule of the game’s patches.

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