LoL: The Korean OTP Irelia that is gaining popularity

League of Legends OTPs are players who are dedicated exclusively to a champion, knowing all the possible match-ups, optimized builds, and combos of a character. Generally, the League of Legends community is quite mixed about them: there are those who love them and those who hate them, but the truth is that few players come close to the technical and mechanical mastery of an OTP on their favorite champion. Seeing them in action is often awe-inspiring, as is the case with this Challenger-ranked OTP Irelia playing on the South Korean server.

Known as IRELKING, the player always plays with the Ionian. A recent clip of him has gone viral on Reddit, showing a moment when he is attacked and manages to kill both the opposing toplaner and the jungler. Here is the action in question.

The action is undoubtedly cool to watch, but by this point in the game the player was already way ahead of their opponents. He is indeed three levels higher than Jax, his direct opponent, as well as on the Lee Sin at the start of the action (the jungler going to lvl 8 during the fight). Also, he has completed his first item and his boots, while Jax has no completed items. The jungler just has his first finished item. The beauty of this video is not in the action of a player who reverses the course of a game thanks to fantastic mechanics and an original strategy, but in the fluidity of the sequence between the E – Duo Perfect all using the Q – Rush Fatal, to leave no escape for opposing players.

IRELKING has a Youtube channel, where it is possible to discover how he plays the dancer of the blades without being fed. Beautiful actions are common, showing her incredible mastery of the champion.

Compilation of actions on the player’s Youtube channel

Without a doubt, this channel is a reference for those who want to know more about Irelia, despite the language barrier. Study and better understand the mechanics of the champion, what it is possible to do with it and especially when to do it according to the position of the minions at the start of the game (because these critters quickly hurt, at least in the first levels) will allow you to progress with Irelia. But this chain can also be useful for those who want to learn how to counter the champion, because after all if we know the strategy of the enemy and his powerspikes, then we are able to choose the best moments to defeat him.

Paying for coaching on League of Legends is a common practice — but according to Tyler1, players who use this kind of service are just plain idiots.

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