LoL: The T1 jungler talks about the strongest champion in the meta!

Faker’s team has finally taken their revenge on the only formation to have beaten them during this Summer Split. Three rounds were necessary for them to overcome their opponents. The latter had won the first, but eventually the defending champions rallied and defeated twice, securing their tenth victory of the season, their sixth consecutive. In the standings, they are still at tied with Gen.G.a situation that could well last until return match between the two formations, which will take place Saturday July 30 at 1 p.m..

After the game, oner went to answer questions fromInven, a Korean site specializing in esports. He returned to the match, as well as a ban made by both teamsaiming at best champion in competitive meta. If you do not carefully follow the statements of professionals, then the identity of the latter may well surprise you.

Poppy, poppy, poppy oh!

Oner briefly reflects on the match. He explains that much of the draft of T1 focused on counter the Kalista/Renata duo that the Kwangdong Freecs acclaimed. The jungler laughingly admits not having noticed that the drafts of both teams in game 3 were the same as in game 2, except for the top lane. The T1s tried to respond with a fairly aggressive botlane (Draven / Ashe), while offering themselves the possibility of quickly outflank their opponents, thanks to Faker’s Taliyah. As for Oner, Lee Sin especially allowed him to be very effective at the start of the game, and therefore to temporize the aggressions of the opposing Jarvan.

To the question about which is the best jungle the metaOner did not hesitate for a second: with the Hexflash available (which was not the case yesterday), Poppy is the best champion in the jungle. His clear is decentand she can do a lot of things throughout the game, be it peel, engage, or even defend an objective. The Hexflash compensates for its poor mobilityallowing it to pass through unexpected paths to gank a lane. All this combined makes her a safe pick, which will always be useful in a game.

Measured words

Asked about this ban Hexflash by Riot GamesOner admits that the team had just been informed the day before at 10 p.m.. According to him, fortunately the team had not built its main strategy around a champion dependent on this rune, because this sudden ban didn’t affect them too much.

He also slips a little spaderecalling the refereeing worries T1 had recently, saying he felt the referees behind the players didn’t no power, especially that of pausing the game. Riot Games denied this supposition, specifying that the arbitrators have this power, only they must notify a third party who can pause the game, rather than distracting a player by giving him the order to stop the game. According to the publisher, it is for this reason that players can feel like they have no power, even when in fact they don’t.

An astonishing collaboration is preparing across the Atlantic. Indeed, the LCS is teaming up with HOB to promote their new Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon. Yes, the Targaryens are coming to League of Legends!

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