Lost Ark is accessible again despite busy servers, a gift in compensation

Like almost all MMOs, Lost Ark is entitled to a complicated launch. While the servers were to open yesterday to welcome free-to-play players, after a three-day early access for owners of Founder’s Packs, a deployment problem had forced the teams to postpone the release of the title. After this false start, the servers were redeployed overnight, and Lost Ark is available again.

Servers still full

After a somewhat complicated evening yesterday, we are warned via Twitter that the problems have been resolved, and that no character from the early access should be missed.

On the other hand, given the success of the title, Lost Ark will have to limit character creation for a while :

As we approach launch, our goal is to get as many players on Arkesia and playing Lost Ark as quickly as possible. One way to do this is to ensure that wait times on servers are limited; this means that we will start placing character creation limits on servers when wait times increase […] When a character creation limit is in place, new players will not be able to join the limited server or create characters there. If you already have a character on one of these servers, you will still be able to play and create additional characters for your Roster. »

In short, joining your friends on servers can be complicated if the server you want to go to is blocked. Obviously, this situation is temporary, the time to unclog the servers a little.

Just to be forgiven for this complicated launch, 3 days of Aura Cristalline will be offered to everyone who logs into the game before Sunday, February 13 at 6 p.m..

Do not hesitate to consult our test of the game or our complete guide with an FAQ that will answer all your questions, as well as our beginner’s guide.

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