Macrame: Instructions for beginners and DIY ideas

Instructions for beginners and DIY ideas

© ivan_kislitsin / Shutterstock

A macrame guide for jewelry or decoration? You can find it here! Just like other great ideas that make your home really cozy.

Macrame: instructions for beginners

Macra… what? Macrame (Spanish spelling Macramé) is a knotting technique that came to Europe from the Orient via Spain. Macrame really boomed in the 1970s – now it’s back for a while! Everywhere in the shops and online shops we find great macrame items. However, they have their price… it goes without saying that manual work is not cheap. However, if that is too much for you or if you feel like DIY anyway, you can also make your own great one-offs knotting: a bracelet, a hanging basket (THE classic) or a trendy wall hanging. We have collected suitable macrame instructions for you.

Macrame: what material?

Of course, that depends on what you want to knot. You can choose between Cotton, jute or waxed polyester macrame yarn in different strengths or also on paracord ribbons (Parachute Cord) fall back. For larger pieces, such as a curtain, are suitable Ropes (Ø 6 mm) from sailing needs.

Macrame: instructions for beginners

It looks harder than it is. With a little practice you can do this quite easily. As a basic technique you should familiarize yourself with the weaver knot Familiarize yourself with (reef knot). The knot technique is perfect for bracelets, for example.

And so you can make a fancy filigree bracelet tie:

You can use any shape as a pendant: Anchor, tree of life, infinity sign, circles, hearts, shamrock, and and and…

Macrame: instructions for bracelet and chain

Without weaver knots and a little easier to tie is a Bracelet with thicker yarn:

For the perfect interaction with your outfit, a suitable Chain of course not missing:

Macrame: Instructions for a hanging basket

Hanging baskets are a bit more elaborate than bracelets, but it’s worth the effort! In addition to the ropes, you need a metal ring, a glue gun and scissors:

Macrame: instructions for a chic wall hanging

It doesn’t have to be a tapestry: this wall hanging simply looks magical as a decoration:

Macrame – even more ideas to imitate

Knot by knot to your next favorite item, browse through great ideas – from owls to shopping bags!

Have you ever tried arm knitting? With it you can knit a cozy blanket in 90 minutes – without needles! But we also have lots of knitting ideas with needles up our sleeve… On the learn to knit topic page you will find great instructions for beginners, such as decreasing stitches or knitting lace patterns.


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