Markus Mörl & Yvonne König: Wedding on TV: They are an "inseparable couple"

RTLzwei broadcast the wedding of NDW star Markus and singer Yvonne König on Saturday evening. A romantic festival on the Rhine.

NDW icon Markus (60, "I want fun") and his partner Yvonne König (49) said "Yes" live on television. The two married on Saturday evening at the "Rhein Star" in Assmannshausen, a district of Rüdesheim am Rhein. According to Markus, it is the "dream ship" of the two. The wedding was broadcast during prime time by RTLzwei in the program "Meine Hochezit – Live!" (also with "TVNow").

"Today we are getting married," said Markus Mörl happily at the beginning of the broadcast and also welcomed prominent guests. Among others, the singer Jürgen Milski (56), Alex Jolig (57) with his Britt (53) and Matthias Mangiapane (36) came to celebrate the love of the couple. When the bride moved in, an Elvis impersonator sang Presley's hit "Can't Help Falling in Love". The wedding was held by Captain Rössler and the rings were brought to the spouses by two small dogs.

That kiss was too early

"When we first met twelve years ago, we were nice colleagues," Mörl opened his marriage vow. The two are an "inseparable couple" and he wants to be "a good man who honors you, appreciates your qualities, respects – and stays with you for the rest of my life." King could not have said it better, replied King, and said: "I cannot imagine a better man like you and I will protect you beyond death."

Afterwards, the two also made a likeable little carver. They gave themselves a little smack just before they were supposed to light the rings. After being plugged in, they were allowed to kiss properly.
