Meghan Markle and Harry blame the blow: this ban that bothers them

In Montecito, Meghan Markle and Harry found refuge in a sumptuous 3.6 hectare estate. And as drought once again hits California, the Sussex Garden is threatened by water restrictions put in place by authorities.

In chic American suburbs, attention to detail is essential. The streets, the houses and the gardens, nothing is left to chance, every detail counts. In the midst of lush vegetation, in a huge property at $ 14.65 million, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have happy days after having fled London and its constraints. And like their famous neighbors, the Sussexes sublimate their exteriors with great care. Luxury Hotel estimated they would spend £ 15,000 (18,000 euros) per month on maintenance “which includes roses cut to perfection, lavender bushes in bloom and ancient olive trees”, as detailed Express UK. A work of goldsmith threatens by the latest measures imposed by the authorities.

When drought occurs, water use restrictions can be put in place in California, like everywhere else. And while the US state experienced an extreme drought in mid-December, which could start forest fires, the authorities have decided to act. For a year, residents who received the order to preserve water, will have to do with the bare minimum. Otherwise, they expose themselves to “a fine of up to £ 370”, or 444 euros. “There is only a certain amount of water available for the community, no one really knows how much”, reveals a local expert to the British media.

⋙ Discover the photos of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s villa in Santa Barbara.

The bans Meghan Markle and Harry face

The number and intensity of forest fires have increased in recent years in the western United States, with a very marked lengthening of the fire season “, as Science and the Future reminds us, and residents are forced to make concessions. It is now prohibited to water the lawns “within 48 hours of the rain”, to fill “decorative fountains” and wash the cars “without shut-off valve on the pipe”. Golf courses and other places of recreation are no exception. So like Oprah Winfrey, Katy Perry or Gwyneth Paltrow, who live in the same neighborhood, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry blame the blow.


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