Metal: Hellsinger, the rhythmic FPS in Hell launches on video

Unveiled two years ago, Metal: Hellsinger It’s been a while, but it’s finally here! The title of The Outsiders and Funcom mixing the mechanics of FPS to the doom and rhythm games arrives today on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, place to the launch trailer:

Metal: Hellsinger is as a reminder a shooting game taking us to Hell, but which above all asks us to shoot to the rhythm of the music to inflict maximum damage on enemies. And for the soundtrack, The Outsiders appealed to big names from the Heavy Metal as Serj Tankian (system of a Down), Matt Heafy (Trivia), Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy), Randy Blythe (Lamb of God), Mikael Stanne (Dark Tranquility), Dennis Lyxzen (Refused), James Dorton (Black Crown Initiate), Tatiana Shmayluk (Jinjer) and Björn Strid (Soil work), who put their voices on music composed by Two Feathers. Dave Goldfarb, Creative Director of The Outsidersadds:

It’s been a long road (3 years!) to get to this fateful day, but we’re finally there! We are very happy to be able to present Metal: Hellsinger to you and we hope you enjoy this pure metal rhythm shooter and enjoy L’Inconnue’s epic journey through the eight hells. Remember: Headbanging isn’t mandatory, but we highly recommend it. Thank you and happy hunting in hell!

The studio also announces a collaboration with DRKN in order to propose apparel featuring exclusive Metal: Hellsinger artwork. And as a reminder, The Outsiders organized a concert at the gamescomwith Matt Heafy, James Dorton, Mikael Stanne, Dennis Lyxzén and Alissa White-Gluz on stage, it’s to live in replay just here :

The developers finally remind that a demo is available, and it has already been downloaded more than a million times. Metal: Hellsinger is available on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, you can find cards NHP on Amazon.

Writer – Tester

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