Michèle Bernier “a little shaken” by her role as the mother of Alexia Daval in the new fiction of TF1


The judicial soap opera of the Daval affair has been adapted into a television film by TF1, which has just completed filming. Saturday January 22, Michèle Bernier confided in about this grueling production.

End clap for the filming of the TV movie The Daval mystery, started on December 13 in the Lyon region. Michèle, the interpreter of Isabelle Fouillot, Alexia Daval’s mother, announced on RTL, Saturday January 22, that production was complete. For this fiction freely inspired by real events, TF1 called on Liam Baty and Maud Baecker, both of whom worked on the hit series tomorrow belongs to us, in the roles of Jonathann and his murdered wife. “It was a very intense, very impressive role and film to do.“, confided the actress to the microphone of Éric Dussart in the program We redo the TV. “Shaken” through this sordid story brought to the screen, she explained: “At times I played the TV movie and then I went to play Living tomorrow (her show alone on stage, editor’s note) the next day. There were some weird airlocks, emotional shock.”

To prepare for this role, Michèle Barnier chose to “work as an actress works a fiction“: “I didn’t watch any parent interviews, I didn’t read their book, I stayed extremely distant. It wasn’t easy.” In charge of the production, Christophe Lamotte would have managed “masterfully, maintaining respect for the family and trying to be fair, not tearful all the time“.

Alert on feminicides

With this new project, the actress hopes to bring attention to a major social issue: “Femicide remains so relevant. To talk about this affair is to put before the general public the idea that it is not over, that we must be careful, look around.“In October 2017, the body of Alexia Daval, 29, was found charred in a wood in Haute-Saône, two days after her husband reported her disappearance. After three months of investigation and a multitude of appearances Tearfully, her husband Jonathann had confessed to the murder, which he described as accidental.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Photo credits: France 2 – Christophe Russeil


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