Micro-cheating: Even a “small” affair can have big consequences

Even a “small” affair can have big consequences

A seemingly small fraud can have big consequences.

Where does infidelity begin? Even micro-cheating can seriously damage a relationship – or even destroy it. In the video you will find out what is behind the Australian couples therapist Melanie Schilling hides the term.

In a relationship, the couples decide for themselves where cheating begins. These boundaries vary from couple to couple. However, with the emergence of online messengers and other platforms, these boundaries can quickly be violated. This behavior is called “micro-cheating”.

“Micro-Cheating”: cheating on a non-physical level

Rather, this type of cheating takes place virtually. Seemingly harmless behavior patterns, like chatting with one person, can lead to “micro-cheating” in a relationship. However, these actions are often viewed as insignificant at first and are therefore not perceived as infidelity. In our video we show what other signs there are and what consequences this type of cheating can have on the relationship.


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