Microsoft wakes up and removes the floppy as the primary source from Device Manager

Noëllie Mautaint

January 11, 2022, 1:00 p.m.


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It is always difficult to let go of old habits, even for Windows 11
that’s just starting to say goodbye to good old floppy disks.

The divorce finally materializes with the last update of Windows 11. Build 22000 finally replaces the old default access by an automatic detection of the location of your operating system.

Windows 11 cleans up

You may not have known it, but for over 20 years Windows has never dared to part with its illustrious storage device completely and always kept track of it. More concretely, until now, when we wanted to access the device manager to modify our drivers the first time, the “A: /” drive was selected by default, forcing us to change it manually. Remember that this was formerly the access path to the floppy disk.

From now on, everything is automated from the start, and the system automatically detects the location of your OS (C: / by default) without any additional manipulation. We will not really talk about saving time or adding significant, but rather the symbolic disappearance of one of the very first external storage devices.

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Source: Windows Lastest

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