Minor damage when parking: That’s why a piece of paper with your number can have bad consequences

Minor damage when parking
This can happen if you just leave a piece of paper with your cell phone number

Is it really enough to just leave a note after hitting a car? Find out in the video why this can cause problems rather than solve them.

A small fender bender in the parking lot caused by a moment of carelessness can happen quickly. But is it really enough to just leave a note with contact information?

Has this ever happened to you? While parking, you hit another vehicle and accidentally left a small dent or scratch. Especially when we’re pressed for time, the best solution for many of us seems to be to quickly leave a note with our cell phone number instead of waiting for the owner of the stricken vehicle. The vehicle owners will get in touch – right?

That’s why the note on the windshield is not a good idea

However, the crux of the matter is often in the details: even with seemingly minor damage such as a scratch, caution is required. In our video we explain why simply leaving a note can have unexpected and serious consequences.

Source used: tuev-nord.de


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