Motivation: 5 good reasons to start exercising now

Sport motivation
5 reasons why you should start exercising NOW

© Shutterstock / fizkes

You just can’t motivate yourself to start working out? Here are 5 good reasons why you should change that now.

1. Because it makes you happy

Who does not know it? After exercising, you just feel like you can uproot trees. Studies have shown that there is a direct link between workout and the release of serotonin. One study even claims that high-intensity exercise has a similar effect on the body as cocaine. Even if we doubt this thesis, one thing is true: Sport simply makes you happy.

2. Because it simplifies your life

So far you have had problems dragging your shopping home and have reached your limits when moving? If you train regularly and improve a little bit by bit, you hardly have any problems with it – and also like to help out with friends and relatives, with a smile on your face, of course.

3. Because it helps you pursue goals

When exercising, you are encouraged to constantly set yourself new goals. Achieving these goals not only gives you new motivation, but also gives you confidence for other areas of life. Whether at work or in everyday life: You learn to focus on a certain thing and also to achieve it. And that in turn makes you feel like a winner.

4. Because you care about your family

Who is active in sport, does it only for himself? Thought wrong. Your friends and family will also benefit when they see your best version. An energetic, happy and healthy person who cares about their health – and who can share the power with others.

5. Because you can

A workout shouldn’t be torture, it should be a pleasure. You not only get a toned body, but also a new self-confidence. And isn’t it nice to see that you can and have achieved something? That your own legs were able to cope with this run and that your arms didn’t slacken while climbing? Just!


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