Municipal council – parking fees on the Dobratsch are now fixed

Away from private transport, towards public transport and the protection of the nature park: This should be achieved on the Dobratsch, as reported, with the introduction of parking fees. The ordinance for this was passed on Friday in the local council with the dissenting votes of the FP – and not without discussions.

90 cents for 30 minutes – a maximum of nine euros per day: From November 15, fees will be due on the Dobratsch on the parking areas from the Alpengarten up to the Rosstratte. “The model is not a rip-off or a punitive action. It’s about a steering effect from the car to public transport or to shared cars, ”said Mayor Günther Albel.

A ride in the nature park bus will cost 3 euros in future
With the expansion of the bus service, which was also decided, the move to public transport should be even easier. The ride in the nature park bus will cost 3 euros in future (young people up to 18 travel for free). The courses are to be expanded. “Use the bus, form car pools,” appeals Deputy Mayor Irene Hochstetter-Lackner.

The FP opposes this regulation
“Nine euros are not an accident. Collecting fees will not solve the problem, ”said City Councilor Erwin Baumann. He fears that the parking problem will shift to Heiligengeist.

Discussion about the car wash project
A car wash project in Maria Gailer Strasse between V-Club and Obi sparked a discussion about surface sealing and rededication.
An urgent motion from SP, Responsibility Earth and Greens regarding a five-point plan on the subject of housing was resolved. Among other things, this provides for a fee for vacant apartments, which should put a stop to speculation in the future, as well as basic security for social housing, which should ensure low rents.

“It’s about getting exact numbers and data on how the city is developing. We created a comprehensive concept with the application, ”explains Albel.

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